Subject Datasheet
Download PDFBudapest University of Technology and Economics | |
Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering |
1. Subject name | Analysis of Aircraft II. | ||||
2. Subject name in Hungarian | Repülőgépek vizsgálata II. | ||||
3. Code | BMEKOVRM632 | 4. Evaluation type | mid-term grade | 5. Credits | 7 |
6. Weekly contact hours | 3 (17) Lecture | 0 (0) Practice | 2 (11) Lab | ||
7. Curriculum | Vehicle Engineering MSc (J) |
8. Role | Specialization (sp) at Vehicle Engineering MSc (J) |
9. Working hours for fulfilling the requirements of the subject | 210 | ||||
Contact hours | 70 | Preparation for seminars | 20 | Homework | 50 |
Reading written materials | 58 | Midterm preparation | 12 | Exam preparation | 0 |
10. Department | Department of Aeronautics and Naval Architectures | ||||
11. Responsible lecturer | Dr. Sziroczák Dávid | ||||
12. Lecturers | Dr. Beneda Károly, Dr. Sziroczák Dávid, Dr. Veress Árpád | ||||
13. Prerequisites | strong: KOVRM629 - Aircraft design and production I. strong: KOVRM631 - Aircraft analysis I. |
14. Description of lectures | |||||
Coordinate systems. Orientation and rotation. Matrix transformations. Euler angles, quaternions, Rodriguez equations. Linear and angular momentum. Euler's equation. Small disturbance theory. State space representation. Complete differentials. Longitudinal and lateral aerodynamic coefficients. Control coefficients. Multibody systems. Simulators, flight control. RPAS technology. Static stability and controllability. Pitching moment. Stick fixed and stick free cases. Trim. CG location and change. Virtual prototyping and analysis of gas turbine components designed within the framework of subject Aircraft design and production I.: CFD simulation of a compressor or turbine stage, structural stress analysis of spool (disc) and blade, eigenfrequency and PSD analysis. Furthermore, in case of interest, CFD analysis of combustion chamber, heat transfer analysis (insulation of the nacelle, turbine blade cooling, secondary flows, etc.) and fatigue assessment (blade, disc and spool). |
15. Description of practices | |||||
16. Description of labortory practices | |||||
Demonstration of aircraft analysis methods. | |||||
17. Learning outcomes | |||||
A. Knowledge
18. Requirements, way to determine a grade (obtain a signature) | |||||
Gas turbine analysis: Simulations of gas turbine engine components (2 tasks: compressor or turbine CFD and FEM simulations) based on the steps defined in the subject description via weekly consultations. The outcome of the task is a project report (in MS Word or PowerPoint format). The deadline of completing this document and delivering to the lecturer is the last week of the semester. The students will get grade to the analysis task. The requirement for the midterm grade is the delivered and accepted analysis task. The final grade of the subject equals to the grade given for the analysis tasks. | |||||
19. Opportunity for repeat/retake and delayed completion | |||||
The delivery date of the calculation documentation is the last week of the semester. If it is not delivered in time, it is also possible to deliver the simulation documentation in the supplementary week besides paying the administration fee. | |||||
20. Learning materials | |||||
J.D. Mattingly: Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion, McGraw-Hill, 200- B.K. Sultanian: Gas Turbines: Internal Flow Systems Modeling. Cambridge Aerospace Series, 20- A. Boiko, Y. Govorushchenko, A. Usaty: Optimization of the Axial Turbines Flow Paths. Science Publishing Group, 2016, ISBN 978-1-940366-67-8 |
Effective date | 10 October 2019 | This Subject Datasheet is valid for | Inactive courses |