Subject Datasheet

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Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering
1. Subject name Transport Economics
2. Subject name in Hungarian Közlekedésgazdaságtan
3. Code BMEKOKGM201 4. Evaluation type exam grade 5. Credits 4
6. Weekly contact hours 2 (9) Lecture 1 (5) Practice 0 (0) Lab
7. Curriculum
Transportation Engineering MSc (K)
8. Role
Mandatory (mc) at Transportation Engineering MSc (K)
9. Working hours for fulfilling the requirements of the subject 120
Contact hours 42 Preparation for seminars 8 Homework 18
Reading written materials 30 Midterm preparation 12 Exam preparation 10
10. Department Department of Transport Technology and Economics
11. Responsible lecturer Dr. Mészáros Ferenc
12. Lecturers Dr. Mészáros Ferenc, Mátrai Tamás
13. Prerequisites  
14. Description of lectures
Evolution and development of modern transportation systems. Process of transport strategy planning. Transportation policy of the European Union and Hungary. Methods and transportation applications for efficiency evaluation. Interrelations and modeling of the economic, environmental and social sustainability objectives of transportation. Economic principles determining the transportation policy process. Evaluation and internalisation methods of external effects for transportation. Regulation, deregulation, privatization and community (state / municipal) involvement in transportation. The economic issues of transportation: the characteristics of the market, the factors determining the mode and route choice of users and the availability of supply. The specific economic issues of urban transportation: public transportation - individual transportation, traffic management, restrictions, parking policies, city logistics, local transportation of smaller regions, interactions of transportation development and land use. Some of the key economic aspects of each transportation sectors: service development, infrastructure use and financing.
15. Description of practices
Elaboration of sub-tasks related to cost-benefit analysis (CBA) (traffic forecasting, elasticity calculation, efficiency assessment) and presentation, individual consultation to prepare a seminar report consisting of sub-tasks.
16. Description of labortory practices
17. Learning outcomes
A. Knowledge
  • The student learns the different efficiency evaluation tools of transportation developments, the EU and Hungary's transport policy, the economic aspects of sustainable transport, the basic tools of pricing and tariff policy, the economic aspects of transport information utilization.
B. Skills
  • The student is able to assess the most important problems to be solved in the transportation system, to select the most effective assessment methods based on sustainability aspects and to propose the most effective transportation development option.
C. Attitudes
  • The student strives for completeness in the acquisition of knowledge, cooperates with the teacher and other students, is open to new and innovative ideas, researches, and uses information technology and computing tools for its work.
D. Autonomy and Responsibility
  • The student takes social aspects into account in the utilization of its knowledge and asks for professional opinions of others in addition to the narrow professional aspects, makes responsible decisions in the selection of the most efficient transportation developments, and takes care of the challenges responsibly.
18. Requirements, way to determine a grade (obtain a signature)
Requirements for signature: successful completion (min. 50%) of the two midterms, report and submission of the seminar report. There is a verbal examination at the end of the semester. Weights of requirements in final mark: seminar reporting activity (20%), average of midterms (30%), verbal examination (50%).
19. Opportunity for repeat/retake and delayed completion
There are retakes from 1st and 2nd midterms, the seminar report can be delayed completed till end of delayed completion period.
20. Learning materials
- Eddy Van de Voorde, Thierry Vanelslander (2010) Applied Transport Economics, De Boeck
- André de Palma , Robin Lindsey , Emile Quinet , Roger Vickerman (2011) A Handbook Of Transport Economics, Edward Elgar
Effective date 10 October 2019 This Subject Datasheet is valid for 2024/2025 semester I