Subject Datasheet
Download PDFBudapest University of Technology and Economics | |
Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering |
1. Subject name | Road Safety | ||||
2. Subject name in Hungarian | Közlekedésbiztonság | ||||
3. Code | BMEKOKKM222 | 4. Evaluation type | mid-term grade | 5. Credits | 3 |
6. Weekly contact hours | 2 (9) Lecture | 1 (5) Practice | 0 (0) Lab | ||
7. Curriculum | Transportation Engineering MSc (K) |
8. Role | Mandatory (mc) at Transportation Engineering MSc (K) |
9. Working hours for fulfilling the requirements of the subject | 90 | ||||
Contact hours | 42 | Preparation for seminars | 8 | Homework | 20 |
Reading written materials | 8 | Midterm preparation | 12 | Exam preparation | 0 |
10. Department | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | ||||
11. Responsible lecturer | Dr. Juhász János | ||||
12. Lecturers | Dr. Juhász János | ||||
13. Prerequisites | |||||
14. Description of lectures | |||||
The road safety indicators. Development of road safety indicators in Europe and in Hungary. Characteristics of the traffic actors (human, infrastructure, vehicles and regulation), their impact on road safety. Review of the traffic regulation. Features of secure infrastructure. Features of passive and active vehicle safety systems. Human factors of traffic safety, traffic behaviour. Advanced methods of driver training, best practices. Characteristics of pedestrian and cycling traffic. | |||||
15. Description of practices | |||||
Statistical analysis of the road accidents by Statistical Centre Office’s database. Case studies of road accidents by forensic methods. Measurement of the vehicle’s blind spot. Study of driver fitness testing methods. Assignment: study on road safety, written summary and presentation, in a group of 2-3 people. | |||||
16. Description of labortory practices | |||||
17. Learning outcomes | |||||
A. Knowledge
18. Requirements, way to determine a grade (obtain a signature) | |||||
One midterm exam (50%) and an study paper and presentation (50%). | |||||
19. Opportunity for repeat/retake and delayed completion | |||||
Midterm exam can be retaken until the end of delayed completion period. The study paper cannot be delayed submitted and presented. | |||||
20. Learning materials | |||||
Lecture slides | |||||
Effective date | 10 October 2019 | This Subject Datasheet is valid for | 2024/2025 semester II |