Subject Datasheet

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Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering
1. Subject name Control theory
2. Subject name in Hungarian Irányításelmélet
3. Code BMEKOKAM142 4. Evaluation type exam grade 5. Credits 3
6. Weekly contact hours 2 (9) Lecture 1 (5) Practice 0 (0) Lab
7. Curriculum
Vehicle Engineering MSc (J)
Transportation Engineering MSc (K)
8. Role
Mandatory (mc) at Vehicle Engineering MSc (J)
Mandatory (mc) at Transportation Engineering MSc (K)
9. Working hours for fulfilling the requirements of the subject 90
Contact hours 42 Preparation for seminars 8 Homework 0
Reading written materials 13 Midterm preparation 12 Exam preparation 15
10. Department Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems
11. Responsible lecturer Dr. Gáspár Péter
12. Lecturers Dr. Gáspár Péter
13. Prerequisites  
14. Description of lectures
Introduction. Recap on the basic concepts of control theory and stability theory (stability conditions, stability of closed loop systems). State space theory (state space representations and properties, transformations). Continuous state space of linear time-variant dynamic systems. Control in state space. State feedback design. Optimal controls. Linear Quadratic Controller Design (LQR). Computer controlled systems. Designing discrete controls. Observability, controllability properties. Stability.
State estimation. Kalman filtering. Problems from different means of transport :road, air, logistics. Presentation of design tasks through vehicle, transport and logistic examples. Computer-oriented control theory tasks. Outlook (introductory, problematic). Postmodern techniques. Predictive controls. Error detection and importance in transport. MIMO systems. Nonlinear systems.
15. Description of practices
Implementation of the methods learned during the lectures
16. Description of labortory practices
17. Learning outcomes
A. Knowledge
  • knows the basic dynamic system modeling paradigms, their mathematical background
  • knows the time and frequency range description of linear time-variant systems
  • knows the principles of regulation, their quantitative and qualitative criteria
  • is familiar with various simple feedback control methods
  • knows the basics of modern control theory, the principles of quadratic regulation
  • knows the methods of filter design
B. Skills
  • capable of modeling of a specified system
  • is able to independently design a specific system model
  • is able to apply the estimation design methods independently
  • is able to handle the most common control design softwares
C. Attitudes
  • is interested in a mathematical solution to control problems
  • endeavor to effectively apply the word technology knowledge through practical problems
  • acquires system-level thinking
D. Autonomy and Responsibility
  • can independently provide quality and quantity parameters for a system's performance, enabling them to make decisions about system redesign
  • can independently describe a particular system, use the appropriate mathematical formalisms
  • is able to make decisions on the appropriate methods of solving the control task
18. Requirements, way to determine a grade (obtain a signature)
Two midsemester exams, min. 70% presence on lectures and seminars, which are the prerequisite of the final exam. The final grade depends only on the final exam.
19. Opportunity for repeat/retake and delayed completion
Both midsemester exams can be retried once.
20. Learning materials
Lecture Notes, Kailath: Linear Systems, Prentice Hall
Effective date 10 October 2019 This Subject Datasheet is valid for Inactive courses