Subject Datasheet
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Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering |
1. Subject name | Stochasic Processes in System Dynamics II. | ||||
2. Subject name in Hungarian | Sztochasztikus folyamatok a rendszerdinamikában II. | ||||
3. Code | BMEKOVJD010 | 4. Evaluation type | exam grade | 5. Credits | 4 |
6. Weekly contact hours | 2 (0) Lecture | 0 (0) Practice | 0 (0) Lab | ||
7. Curriculum | PhD Programme |
8. Role | Basic course |
9. Working hours for fulfilling the requirements of the subject | 120 | ||||
Contact hours | 28 | Preparation for seminars | 30 | Homework | 15 |
Reading written materials | 15 | Midterm preparation | 0 | Exam preparation | 32 |
10. Department | Department of Aeronautics and Naval Architectures | ||||
11. Responsible lecturer | Dr. Zobory István | ||||
12. Lecturers | Dr. Zobory István | ||||
13. Prerequisites | recommended: BMEKOVJD009 - Stochasic Processes in System Dynamics I. | ||||
14. Description of lectures | |||||
Horizontal and vertical treatment of stochastic processes. The fundamental theorem of Kolmogorov. Characteristic functions of stochastic processes. Expected value function, momentum functions and autocorrelation function. The Hilbert-space L2(,A,P). The stochastic process as an “in-space curve” in the Hilbert-space. Some simple stochastic processes. The manifold of straight lines of random position. Stochastic differential equations, two characteristic types. Point processes, counting processes. The three conditions together result in a Poisson-process. Characteristic functions of the Poisson-process. Secondary processes generated by point process. The one-dimen¬sional marginal distribution. The one-dimensional limit-distribution. Renewal processes. Smith-theorem of the renewal theory. Operation process model for machinery systems, generated by a point process. Torque process and RPM process of the driving shaft. Determining the joint limit distribution by using the theorem of complete probability. Some simple variations for point process generated secondary process. Markov-chains and processes. Properties of the transition probability matrices. Marginal distributions of the Markov-chain. Single dimensional random walk on the integers. Stationary Markov-chains. Ergodic Markov-chains. Transition-density functions. The Chapman-Kolmogorov equation. The birth-death process. Model for the service-theory. Permanent distribution. Stationary processes. Strict- and weak stationarity of different order. Spectral properties. Ergodicity with respect to the expected value function and to the autocorrelation function. Gaussian-processes. Basic properties of the Brown-motion process. Characteristic functions of the Brown-motion process. | |||||
15. Description of practices | |||||
16. Description of labortory practices | |||||
17. Learning outcomes | |||||
A. Knowledge
B. Skills
18. Requirements, way to determine a grade (obtain a signature) | |||||
Accepted homework sent before the deadline and written exam. | |||||
19. Opportunity for repeat/retake and delayed completion | |||||
According to the TVSZ | |||||
20. Learning materials | |||||
1. Zobory, I.: Sztochasztikus folyamatok a rendszerdinamikában I. Kézirat. BME Vasúti Járművek és Járműrendszeranalízis Tanszék. Budapest, 2011. 2. Arnold, L.: Sztochasztikus differenciálegyenletek Tipotex, Budapest, 2013. |
Effective date | 27 November 2019 | This Subject Datasheet is valid for | Inactive courses |