Subject Datasheet

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Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering
1. Subject name Mathematical methods II.
2. Subject name in Hungarian Matematikai módszerek II.
3. Code BMEKOKAD007 4. Evaluation type exam grade 5. Credits 4
6. Weekly contact hours 1 (0) Lecture 0 (0) Practice 0 (0) Lab
7. Curriculum
PhD Programme
8. Role
Basic course
9. Working hours for fulfilling the requirements of the subject 120
Contact hours 28 Preparation for seminars 28 Homework 12
Reading written materials 16 Midterm preparation 20 Exam preparation 16
10. Department Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems
11. Responsible lecturer Dr. Péter Tamás
12. Lecturers Dr. Péter Tamás
13. Prerequisites  
14. Description of lectures
  1. The symbolic calculations. Definition of Computer algebra. Key features of symbolic calculations. The limitations of symbolic calculations. Symbolic and numerical calculations. Mathematical analysis in Maple environment. Graphic applications.
  2. Modeling of transport systems. Vehicle dynamics modeling. Mathematical modeling of spatial non-linear swing system. Modeling of road transport systems. Modeling large-scale networks. Automating mathematical modeling for large complex systems.
  3. The notable equations and their applications. Euler equation. Euler-Lagrange equation. The Lagrange's equations of the first kind. The Lagrange's equations of the second kind.
  4. Designing Optimum Linear Systems. To solve the Riccati equation by Anderson's iteration method. Kalman-Bucy filter by Maple.Design of nonlinear systems. Maple Analysis of Lyapunov Functions
15. Description of practices
16. Description of labortory practices
17. Learning outcomes
A. Knowledge   B. Skills   C. Attitudes   D. Autonomy and Responsibility
18. Requirements, way to determine a grade (obtain a signature)
The credits are obtained by completing the assignment and by passing the oral exam.
19. Opportunity for repeat/retake and delayed completion
20. Learning materials
Effective date 27 November 2019 This Subject Datasheet is valid for Inactive courses